Very Proud

Very Proud - come and join me - bring a cup of tea and a biscuit: is currently recruiting in a range of roles and if you want to be…

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July Rant

There's an inquiry into Disability Employment Service and how best the new National Contract (2023) might serve the needs of the Commonwealth - note, that I haven't said, 'the needs…

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Australia's $1bn disability employment service criticised over poor outcomes and reduced employment. I'm never surprised by criticism of the Disability Employment Service (DES), nor should the poor outcomes come as…

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They Don’t Count

Gaining or holding formal qualifications can set a person up for a lifetime career. Holding appropriate qualifications that can lead to lifelong careers, tradespeople generally make a good income and…

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To access NOVA Employment or any Disability Employment Service (DES), almost everyone is required to be assessed by the Services Australia Services (Centrelink) to determine their "Benchmark" hours: Benchmark hours…

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